by Larry Bartel for Hesston College

Hesston College announces the establishment of the Gloria Yue-Fong Chan Scholarship, an endowed scholarship estimated at $1.6 million, making it the largest scholarship donation to Hesston College.
Geared toward students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Hesston’s nursing program, this scholarship gives preference to students from Asian countries. Dr. Geraldine Y. Chan established the scholarship in honor of her sister, Dr. Gloria Yue-Fong Chan, who graduated from Hesston College in 1963.
“We are honored that Geraldine established this scholarship honoring her sister, Gloria, whose dedication to Christian education will continue to make an impact for generations thanks to Geraldine’s generous estate gift,” says acting Vice President of Advancement Lisa Longacher. “Geraldine spoke of her sister’s generous and gracious nature, and together, the Chan sisters have created a lasting legacy that embodies this spirit. We are deeply grateful for their commitment and generosity.”