Eastern Mennonite School panelists tell of their choices for peace


Exploring the power of peace

by Trisha Blosser for Eastern Mennonite School and available here

Panelists take part in a conversation on peace and conscientious objection at Eastern Mennonite School. From left are Ami, Tim Showalter, Adam Stoltzfus, Aidan Yoder, Sara Kennel and moderator Ben Bixler, a member of the EMS faculty. — Trisha Blosser/EMS

Conscientious objection embodies the principled refusal to engage in certain activities or fulfill specific obligations on moral or ethical grounds. It is often associated with refusing to participate in military service or warfare due to deeply held beliefs against violence or killing. On the evening of Monday, April 22, Eastern Mennonite School (EMS) hosted an event funded by the Kennel-Charles Endowment, founded by Elmer and Marianne Kennel, for EMS events that stimulate an interest in Anabaptist history among young people. At the event, five young peacemakers shared their stories of why they chose peace over military service. […]

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