by Larry Bartel for Hesston College and available here

The melodious sounds of the Hesston College Chorale will travel to Europe for their biennial international tour from May 14 to June 4. Under the direction of Dr. Russell Adrian and Ken Rodgers, the chorale will present a program titled “Veni, Sancte Spiritus” at churches in the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. The tour will kick off with a farewell concert at 7 p.m., Friday, May 10, at Hesston Mennonite Church. An offering will be taken to help offset tour expenses.
The tour will occur during the season of Pentecost with a program based on Acts 2. Veni, Sancte Spiritus, meaning “come, Holy Spirit,” celebrates the disciples being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in many languages. The performance will include music from a variety of genres, including spirituals, folk songs and gospel music. Musical interludes will feature soloists and small groups from within the chorale. The program and livestream link for the home concert will be available at
The ensemble is composed of students in Bel Canto Singers and Global Voices who collaborate on biennial international tours. […]