by Chialis Thuan Santoso for Mennonite Church USA and available here

In February, Chialis Thuan Santoso attended MC USA’s Hope for the Future 2024 conference. In this blog, she reflects on what she learned and how it applies to her life as a sojourner in Christ.
Chialis Thuan Santoso is originally from Indonesia. She is married to Andi Santoso, and she is the mother of two daughters: Phoebe Liem and Chloe Liem. Chialis is a reflective practitioner in Christ, who is currently working on earning a Master of Arts in Christian Formation at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. She enjoys listening to Christian songs and loves teaching and working with women, youth and children. She and her family attend Pleasant View Church, in Goshen, Indiana.
During the Hope for the Future 2024 conference, I could feel the presence and anointing of the Holy Spirit in each session. The worship service, led by Hendy Matahelemual and Marina Setyati, was in various languages and provided a heavenly atmosphere among fellow believers in Christ. The life experiences sister Abby Endashaw shared about when she first came to America, as a student, also reminded me that I am not alone in the life struggle, as a sojourner in Christ. Even though it is not easy, God’s grace is always present. […]