The Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid premiered at EMU
by Ryan Cornell for Eastern Mennonite University and available here
The world premiere of EMU’s Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid video at the Campus Center last week was glitzy, glamorous and grand. It had all the star power of a Hollywood awards show; actors Dennis Quaid and Billy Porter made video appearances. It had the high-energy feel of a rockin’ club, thanks to bachata lessons from the Latinx Student Alliance and a DJ-led dance party. And, said those who attended the premiere last Thursday, it showed how far EMU has come in its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
The nationally-syndicated, short-form documentary focuses on EMU and its approach to advancing DEI as a peace and justice university. The Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid crew filmed footage on the Harrisonburg, Virginia, campus in late October. The four-and-a-half-minute episode will be distributed to public television affiliates nationwide during the week of April 29 and will air in all 50 states for an estimated reach of more than 60 million households.