from Bluffton University
BLUFFTON, Ohio— Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, will address Bluffton University’s 2024 graduating class during the May 4 Commencement ceremony in Sommer Center.
With nearly 30 years of leadership experience within MC USA, Guyton is the first person of color to serve as executive director. He joined the executive board staff in 2009 as the director of intercultural relations and held various staff roles over the next several years before becoming executive director.
An officer in the United States Air Force when he first joined the church, Guyton credits several Mennonite leaders for teaching him what it means to be an Anabaptist Christian, in particular Bishop L.W. Francisco III, oversight pastor at C3 Hampton, and Titus Peachy, formerly of Mennonite Central Committee, which led him to leave the military and commit to nonviolence.
Guyton holds a bachelor’s degree in management from the United States Air Force Academy and a master’s degree in education from Regent University. He is the author of several books including, “Navigating Microaggressions at Work: A Guide to Understanding and Avoiding Microaggressions in the Workplace,” and “Reawakened, Activate Your Congregation to Spark Lasting Change,” which explores eight keys to developing the abilities of congregations to bring healing and hope to their communities. Guyton is also a professional member of the National Speakers Association.