The second film of the 2023-24 KIPCOR Film Series, originally scheduled for last November and postponed due to technical problems, will screen Feb. 11 on campus.
Eroding History, a film by Andre Chung, is a story of climate disaster, climate justice, longstanding systemic racism, and people’s struggle to hold onto their culture and community.
The screening is at 2 p.m. in Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, with a talkback led by Dr. Jonathan Frye from McPherson College.
Eroding History centers on two Black communities on Deal Island, on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, that are finding themselves at the intersection of sea level rise, historic racism and the disappearance of Black communities.
The film is a climate justice story made by two Black filmmakers and a Jewish grandchild of refugees, resulting in a deeply personal story.