by Larry Bartel for Hesston College and available here

One year after a peaceful student walk-out on campus, Hesston College took additional steps to correct past wrongs in Title IX dealings with the first Unity Day on Monday, December 4.
“The timing of this event was chosen to mark the one-year anniversary of the peaceful student protest held last year in which students bravely shared their experiences with the college’s Title IX program,” explains Whitney Douglas, Hesston’s Title IX coordinator and Title IX Implementation Group chair. “We now want to honor the work of our students whose activism and passion drew attention to problems with the college’s Title IX program and pushed for authentic and sustainable change.”
The highlight of the inaugural event was the dedication of the Healing Circle located on the east side of Alliman Administration Center. It is the work of the Title IX Implementation Group that spearheaded this effort and made it a priority to hold this dedication during the college’s regularly scheduled Formation time to allow more students and employees the ability to attend.