ELKHART, Ind. (Mennonite Education Agency) – Mennonite Education Agency (MEA) announces the upcoming publication of Advent at Home 2023. Taken from Leader magazine’s Advent theme, “How will we know?” this worship guide accompanies individuals and families through the days and weeks of Advent through Epiphany with scriptures, prayers, worship rituals, suggested activities, and contextual information.
The guide is expected to be available around November 13 for free download in English and Spanish from the MEA website at www.mennoniteeducation.org/resources/advent-at-home/.
Mennonite Education Agency, headquartered in Elkhart, Ind., is the education agency of Mennonite Church USA, the largest Mennonite denomination in North America. MEA connects church and school together in a complementary and cooperative way to strengthen Mennonite Church USA through education.