by Khalil Garriott for Eastern Mennonite University and available here

Paul and Lisa Zendt Shelly ‘89 have long track record of volunteering, professional recognition
What is your calling? What is your personal mission?
Questions that, if contemplated, cause a person to pause, reflect and set goals. Clarity often reveals itself along the way. Those who have lived their lives guided by these two answers are morally richer for it; many trudge through life without realizing the importance of discovering their calling and mission.
Paul and Lisa Zendt Shelly ‘89 have long known it. Their calling is to develop relationships. Their mission is positively touching the people in their community as they learn and grow together. They have risen to the top of their fields while purposefully settling in Mississippi and investing themselves into the life of the community.
As selected by Eastern Mennonite University’s Alumni Association and its Awards and Nominations Committee, Paul and Lisa Zendt Shelly ’89 are co-winners of the 2023 Distinguished Service Award. Since 1984, the Distinguished Service Award has been given annually to recognize select alumni who have, in notable ways, demonstrated the Christian service and peacemaking emphases of EMU. The award is given to honor EMU alumni who have significantly impacted the lives of others.