

MEA relies on the donations of individuals, congregations, and area conferences. Without these gifts, the ministry of MEA would not be possible.


Financial gifts come in many forms – from small gifts through the website, to regular gifts from congregations and MC USA area conferences as part of their annual budgets, to planned giving through donor advised funds, estate gifts, or bequests.

A cash gift is a simple and easy way to make a gift. Checks can be made payable to Mennonite Education Agency. You can send your check gift to:

Mennonite Education Agency
3145 Benham Avenue
Suite 2
Elkhart, IN 46517

You can make your gift online using our secure donation site.

Gifts of appreciated stocks or bonds provide a tax benefit to the donor as well as fulfilling your charitable intent. Gifts can be made by electronic transfer. Contact us for instructions on how you can transfer directly from your brokerage or investment account to Mennonite Education Agency.

Donors may choose to designate a gift to MEA from their donor advised fund. Gifts from DAF can be initiated through the organization which holds your fund and then can be designated to MEA. Contact us for any assistance.

MEA is honored to be the recipient of planned giving vehicles such as IRA rollovers, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, and designated beneficiary of life insurance policies. We are pleased to be partnering with Everence Financial to assist you in planning for your legacy gift.  To learn more click here.

Everence, Grow your financial future with purpose. Everence®

Everence, Grow your financial future with purpose. Everence® Financial helps individuals, organizations and congregations integrate faith with finances through a national team of financial professionals. Everence offers banking, insurance and financial services with community benefits and stewardship education.

IRA Rollover – Donors age 70.5 or over may make gifts directly from their IRA to MEA as part of the required minimum distribution for up to $100,000 annually.

Charitable Gift Annuities – CGAs provide an income stream for one or two individuals during their lifetime and then benefit MEA afterwards. CGAs are most appealing to individuals over the age of 60.

Trusts – Charitable Remainder and Charitable Lead Trusts provide unique avenues to handle more complex assets such as real estate, stocks, or businesses and benefit MEA.

Bequest Language

You can make a legacy gift to MEA by designating MEA in your will. You continue to control your assets during your lifetime, as well as being able to benefit your family, and continue to support MEA through your estate. Bequest intentions can be made specifically (certain amount or property); or based on a percentage; or the residual of your estate after fulfilling other specific intentions.

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